Emadeb groupEmadeb groupEmadeb group
(Mon- Friday)


Downstream Activities

Over the years, Emadeb Energy keeps making considerable impact in the downstream sector of the oil and gas value chain. We are glad to have delivered value to our customers and other stakeholders alike through an effective retailing system for different petroleum products. This involves all-round availability of products, dispensing with pin-point accuracy and at a very competitive pricing wrapped with top notch service delivery in an ambience environment; it is all about delivering exceptional value!

We operate retail outlets in Lagos, Abuja (FCT), Kaduna and Ondo states with plans underway to extend to other parts of the country.

In 2021, as part of our sustainability plan, we open our first Liquified Petroleum Gas (LPG) plant in Abuja thereby continuing our tradition of delivering excellent services across our retail outlets. More LPG plants in other parts of the country will come on board very soon.

Finest lubricant grades for all categories of vehicle and equipment engines are also retailed and distributed at all our retail outlets.

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Melbourne, Australia
(Sat - Thursday)
(10am - 05 pm)
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