Emadeb groupEmadeb groupEmadeb group
(Mon- Friday)

Upstream Services

IBOM Upstream Services

Emadeb Energy group established Ibom Upstream Company Limited as a dedicated entity to lead our expansion into the upstream sector of the energy industry. Ibom Upstream, successfully secured the Ibom Field with petroleum prospecting license – PPL236 during the 2020 DPR Marginal Field Bid Round.

The Ibom Field, situated approximately 30 km offshore with water depths of around 20 meters, is strategically located in OML 70 of the southern Niger Delta. It boasts of ten oil and gas-bearing reservoirs within the Agbada formation and holds significant reserves, including 11.4 million barrels of oil and 92 billion standard cubic feet of gas.

Our Team

Leveraging the expertise of our seasoned team, comprising highly skilled professionals with extensive backgrounds in exploration, development, and production, we have initiated operations on the Ibom Field by successfully completing the drilling of Ibom3X well. Our overarching objective is to replicate the remarkable success achieved in our downstream business within the Exploration and Production (E&P) sector.”

Future Plan

As we step into the future, our focus remains on sustainable development. Phase two of our Ibom field development plan includes the installation of a permanent production facility and a short-distance oil pipeline to the nearby Usari Field, strategically positioned within 7 kilometres of the Ibom Marginal Field. Additionally, we plan to drill 2 or 3 new wells to fully exploit the oil and gas reservoirs within the Ibom Field.

Experience the future of energy exploration and production with Ibom Upstream Company Limited – where innovation meets legacy, and excellence is our constant companion.

At vero eos et accusamus et iusto odio digni goikussimos ducimus qui to bonfo blanditiis praese. Ntium voluum deleniti atque.

Melbourne, Australia
(Sat - Thursday)
(10am - 05 pm)
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