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Olugbesoye Olujimi


Olugbesoye is an accomplished entrepreneur with over a decade of work experience across the telecommunications industry and oil sector. Her trainings in Leadership, Customer Service and Corporate Governance makes her an absolute fit in our company.

As the Executive Director, she continues to prove that her determination to retain the company’s position as best in class remains a top priority for her in her official capacity. An astute team player, she brings a meticulous attention to detail and a touch of excellence to all transactions, and being a lifetime member of the Enterprise Development Centre, Pan-Atlantic University, she has contributed to expanding the visibility and network of the company. She holds an Executive Masters in Business Administration from the London Business School, where she took core courses in Business Strategy, Entrepreneurship and innovation. She is also a graduate of English Language from the University of Ekiti.

OLUGBESOYE OLUJIMI - Executive Director - Emadeb Energy Group


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At vero eos et accusamus et iusto odio digni goikussimos ducimus qui to bonfo blanditiis praese. Ntium voluum deleniti atque.

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