Emadeb groupEmadeb groupEmadeb group
(Mon- Friday)

What We Do

Delivering Exceptional Value

Upstream Activities

Emadeb Energy group established Ibom Upstream Company Limited as a dedicated entity to lead our expansion into the upstream sector of the energy industry. Ibom Upstream, successfully secured the Ibom Field with petroleum prospecting license – PPL236 during the 2020 DPR Marginal Field Bid Round.

Emadeb Background Image

Midstream Activities

We own and operate a 60 million liter state-of-the-art-tank farm located at Ijegun-Egba, Amuwo Odofin area of Lagos state. This is intended to support downstream sector activities and consolidate our efforts as a supplier of choice by bridging the storage gap for petroleum products.

Downstream Operations

Over the years, Emadeb Energy keeps making a considerable impact in the downstream sector of the oil and gas value chain. We operate retail outlets in Lagos, Abuja (FCT), Kaduna and Ondo states with plans underway to extend to other parts of the country.


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At vero eos et accusamus et iusto odio digni goikussimos ducimus qui to bonfo blanditiis praese. Ntium voluum deleniti atque.

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