Adebowale is an innovative leader, doggedly result oriented and an accomplished business administrator who served in the public sector of the Nigerian economy before birthing the private sector.
Adebowale Olujimi
Chief Executive Officer
Olugbesoye is an accomplished entrepreneur with over a decade of work experience across the telecommunications industry and oil sector. Her trainings in Leadership, Customer Service and Corporate Governance makes her an absolute fit in our company.
Olugbesoye Olujimi
Executive Director
Sheriff Adeeyo’s career is a well-respected professional with diverse knowledge of the financial services industry.
Sheriff Adeeyo
Chief Operating Officer
Wole Omotola’s experience as a Sales and Marketing professional with extensive experience in the downstream sector makes him a perfect fit for our company.
Wole Omotola
Retail Network Manager
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At vero eos et accusamus et iusto odio digni goikussimos ducimus qui to bonfo blanditiis praese. Ntium voluum deleniti atque.